Jack Boyes On Surfline
Jack Boyes is featured in a recent Surfline.com piece on the recent run of great surf in Southern California. Jack is riding his favorite model, The Blackstar. Check out the full Surfline feature here.
Jack Boyes is featured in a recent Surfline.com piece on the recent run of great surf in Southern California. Jack is riding his favorite model, The Blackstar. Check out the full Surfline feature here.
We’re back up and running after taking a little time off over the holiday! We currently have a wide variety of boards in stock right now at our factory in San Clemente. All new in-stock boards are going for wholesale prices from now thru Christmas. We also have a few used team trade-ins available as well.
Take a look at our Stocklist here and treat yourself to a new board for the holidays. You deserve it.
We currently have a fresh batch of surfboards in stock at our factory in San Clemente. So, if you’re looking to update your quiver for summer, take a look at our stocklist or stop by during business hours and check them out!
All in-stock surfboards are on sale at wholesale prices starting on Black Friday and going thru the weekend. Stop by our factory in San Clemente and check out our wide selection of in-stock boards or inquire about a custom shape!
A big congratulations goes out to Jack Boyes for placing 3rd at this year’s O’neill Cold Water Classic at Steamer Lane in Santa Cruz, Ca. Jack, who is currently attending Point Loma University in San Diego was among 16 invited surfers fighting for a chance to win a year-long sponsorship with O’neill. “It’s the coolest thing ever, Jack said. “I was really nervous in the beginning – I never surfed a man on man heat. But then I started to feel comfortable.” Jack was riding 6’0″ Superstix Blackstar model. Check out some photos below by Marc Prefontaine/O’neill.
End of Summer Sale Extended!! We’ve extended the Back-To-School sale through Sept 30th. All in-stock boards available for wholesale. Check out our stocklist to see current availability.
Our Back-To-School sale is happening right now until August 31st with all boards priced at wholesale. Click over to our online stocklist to view our current inventory here: